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Take 5 Certificate
Our Take 5 Certificate offers 5.00% APY1 with a low minimum deposit.
Take 5证书的特点和好处:
Fixed 5.00% APY1
Short 5-month term1
Open with as little as $500
New money required
Must be a new member to the credit union. 每个社会安全号码一张证书(开放或封闭)
必须有一个活跃的(一个月一个交易?, including but not limited to, Direct Deposit, Preauthorized Payments, Checks, ATM, POS, Debit Card, 和账单支付)支票账户与遗产 OR one of the following:
APY= Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are accurate as of 07/03/2024. Early withdrawal penalty applies. Fees could reduce earnings. 优惠不包括韦德体育开户退休账户. New Money only. Take 5证书优惠仅适用于新会员. This offer excludes existing memberships. 主要会员可以相同会员名称及相关税号开立一个Take 5证书帐户. 开立储蓄存款证并获得APY存款的最低余额是500美元. 开户最高存款余额为5,000美元. 除最低余额要求外,以下条件也适用:(a)消费者账户成员:活跃(每月一次交易), including but not limited to, Direct Deposit, Preauthorized Payments, Checks, ATM, POS, Debit Card, 和账单支付)支票账户或公开(资金)消费贷款(不包括股票担保贷款和万事达信用卡账户)或最低余额为5美元,000 in a money market account, regular certificate account, or IRA certificate account. (b)商业账户成员:每月一次有效交易, including but not limited to, Direct Deposit, Preauthorized Payments, Checks, ATM, POS, Debit Card, 商业支票帐户,并附有遗产税或最低余额为5美元,在商业货币市场账户中存入10,000英镑(收取费用), (如适用)或商业信用额度(LOC). 您将有30天的宽限期来满足要求. If the conditions are not met, the 5.在剩余期限内,对于3个月的证书账户,00%的年利率可以降低为有效的年利率. 会籍及信用须经批准. 为每一个在圣地亚哥或河滨县生活或工作的人服务. 新会员——一次性缴纳5美元会员费并开立储蓄账户. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Limited time offer. Subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA.
Maximum transfer amount is $1,000. There is no fee to use this service. Learn More.
Don't be a stranger, we're your neighbor
对你的账户有疑问,申请贷款,或者你准备讨论再融资? Whatever your question or need, 我们的会员服务中心随时恭候您的光临 your best interest at heart.